Laura Schwanitz- German Olympic Nordic combined skier Eric Frenzel’s Girlfriend

Eric frenzel girlfriend laura schwanitz

Eric Frenzel the young German  Nordic combined skier is taking another gold to Germany, so far Germany has won 5 gold medals, and one silver, hopefully they will keep coming. Eric  was greeted by his family and friends, and certainly his lovely and longtime girlfriend Laura Schwanitz, the mother of his beautiful son Philipp.

Eric frenzel son philippEric frenzel son philipp pictureEric frenzel son philipp picEric frenzel son philipp photo

“They are my support,” said Frenzel about his girlfriend and son. “It’s really important when you know it’s all how you want it. Then your head is clear for sports. That is a boost.”

“Laura was my good luck charm. I knew where she stands on the route and am very happy that I could show her this time , as I have done it two years ago ,”

Eric frenzel girlfriend laura schwanitz son philipp pictureLaura schwanitz  eric frenzel girlfriend-picture

25-year-old Eric Frenzel met his pretty lady Laura Schwanitz  at a sports boarding school in Saxony city in Oberweisenthal in 2006.

Eric frenzel girlfriend laura schwanitz son philipp picEric frenzel girlfriend laura schwanitz pic

Laura gave birth to their adorable son Philipp now age 7  in January, 2007. Laura Schwanitz from Flossenbürger district of St. Ötze, and her sister Ann are the pretty daughters of Peter and Petra Schwanitz. Laura’s dear grandmother Marie Luise Schwanitz makes the best apple strudel.


Laura schwanitz  eric frenzel girlfriendLaura schwanitz  eric frenzel girlfriend pic

23-year-old Laura Schwanitz like her famous boyfriends has been a skier since she was a little girl, she was 14 when the cross country skier (Laura) went to the Olympic Training Center Oberwiesentha the sports Boarding school in Saxony city  where she she met Eric. Skiing has been a part of her family for years, her dad Peter was the TSV Ski division to division manager.


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